Membership & restitution CNB

CNB is a professional and financially sound company and as a member you can benefit from this!

If we make a profit, we can proceed to the payment of part of that profit to our members by means of refund.

Your influence
Members are entitled to a refund. As a member, you can attend our General Members' Meeting. If there is a vote, you have the right to vote. The number of votes is related to the turnover you have realized.
You therefore influence the policy of 'your' CNB. CNB uses a (harvest) financial year that runs from 1 June to 31 May. If you become a member during a financial year, your statutory membership will commence on the first day of the following financial year.

How can I join?
We want to offer our members every freedom as an entrepreneur. This means that as a CNB member you are completely free to do business with other IVBs and / or auctions. And that gives a nice feeling! Everyone who does business with us - and therefore has a contact number - can apply to become a member of the CNB. Membership is not compulsory. That means that our organization is open to all parties. Non-members can also count on our service! Becoming a member is easy, if you do business with CNB you automatically receive a registration form. By completing, signing and returning this you put the procedure into effect.

Did you miss the form? Ask your representative or register online.

Highlighted image: Membership & restitution CNB